We created the affiliate program as a way to be able to give back to anyone that refers users to the Racemaster Live mobile app. I will be putting together a video to walk through how to do it very soon. We wanted a way to encourage racers/business owners/promoters/track owners to utilize the app, but also give them back a portion of the subscriptions for users that they helped bring in. The payout will be a 25% commissions PER MONTH. We made it very simple to use and participate in by doing the following:

  1. Users have to have an active subscription for Racer/Business Owner or Promoter/Track Owner to be able to create an Affiliate Code.

  2. In the Profile menu you will see Affiliate Code as a choice. Select Affiliate Code.

  3. On the Affiliate Code screen, you will be able to read about the Affiliate Marketing Program and how it works. This is also where you will create your Affiliate Code and Save it. The creation of the code on this screen ties your code to your username.

  4. Once created, you can now distribute your code to others using your network, social media, or we can even provide you with a business card with your code on it for easy distribution.

  5. For a user to use your code, they will enter it as their Referral Code when they are subscribing for a new user or by entering it in the Referral Code on the Edit Profile page in the Profile page menu.

  6. We will require a W9 to be submitted to us prior to any commissions being paid out for tax purposes and we will create a submission for for that or you can email it to us.

  7. Only active subscribers can will count towards commissions and users must have an active subscription to receive commissions.

  8. During the first week of the month, we will run a report to identify Affiliate Codes and number of referrals per code and create a payout for those referrals.

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